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The Ultimate Guide to Bed Bug Removal

November 17, 2023

As you likely know, bed bugs are a big problem. In fact, 97% of pest control professionals report treating an infestation of them at some point in time, according to a National Pest Management Association survey. Contrary to popular belief, a bed bug infestation is rarely caused by poor hygiene. In our experience, most bed bug infestations are let into your home by neighbors in your apartment building, by bags placed on upholstered surfaces, and even by sitting on those surfaces yourself. If you've noticed them in your home, be sure to call exterminators right away. Here's what to expect from bed bug pest removal services.

Identify the Infested Area

Pest control specialists will investigate your entire property. Experts know where bed bugs love to reside and can find them even as they migrate around the home. Signs we look for include musty odors, molted shells, specks of blood on bed sheets, and more. Once they have been identified, the next step is to contain them wherever they are.

Contain the Infestation and Treat the Areas

Once the bed bugs are contained, it'll be easier to properly treat the areas and remove them from the property. Our team will treat all affected areas and anything surrounding them. This includes beds, furniture, clothes, and linens. You may end up throwing away some of your belongings due to any damage or infestation that cannot be removed. Our treatment plans can vary based on your requests. Fast-acting insecticides and residual insecticides are the common treatments used.

Do a Thorough Follow-Up Exam

Even if you've had a pest removal service come through, bed bugs are an adamant breed of insect. It may take more than one sweep-through to get rid of all of them. Don't be discouraged; follow any tips your exterminators gave you and schedule another removal for the future. As long as you continue to be on the lookout for bed bugs, you'll be doing your due diligence. Alert your pest control professionals if signs of bed bugs creep up again.

Do you live in the Greater Dayton area and need
pest removal services? Our team at Free Bee Pest Control LLC has been helping residents be pest-free over the past several years, and we intend to be there for many more. Contact us today for more information!

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