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Why Our Bed Bug Removal Service Is Effective

April 11, 2024

Bed bugs are among the most annoying pests. It's aggravating waking up and having itchy legs and blood spots on the sheets. They can be hardy, but you can get a bed bug removal service to get rid of them. Here's our effective strategy for getting those bugs out of your life.

Using Heat Treatment

This is an extremely popular method of eliminating bed bug infestations. According to a PCT Magazine survey, 68% of pest control professionals like using the heating method. Our experts indicate that it involves heating up a room from 120 to 140 degrees to kill the bugs, their young, and their eggs. You can also run your sheets and other clothes through a dryer on high heat.

Including Pesticides

There are a lot of different sprays out there that you can buy in a store, but our bed bug removal service has special ones of a higher strength that will also kill bed bugs. Our trained professionals will target the areas where there are a lot of bed bugs and ensure that they are dead. We will also make sure that you and your family are safe throughout the process.

Having Diligence

The thing that we stress is that we want to make this a one-time visit. Bed bugs have a bad habit of coming back, but we will help you target the areas that they like and give you tips to prevent this from happening again. You will learn to look for signs that they are back, and you can always contact us again. As annoying as they are, you can keep them from making you and your family miserable.

We know what it's like to live in a place with pests, so we want to make your home pest-free. Our skilled pest control technicians will inspect your entire house or apartment and find where they might be located. Then, we can target them, and they will be gone. From there, you can go back to living in a home that's free of bed bugs and other pests.

Do you live in the Greater Dayton area? Do you need a bed bug removal service? Free Bee Pest Control LLC can get rid of those pests for you, along with others like fleas and rodents. We're the go-to people when you need protection from pests.

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Are you looking for a pest removal service? If so, finding a great company as soon as possible is important. Read this article to learn what to look for.
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